It has a alexa rank of #192,963 in the world. It is a domain having extension. It is estimated worth of R 520,200.00 and have a daily income of around R 867.00. As no active threats were reported recently, is SAFE to browse.
Hirsch's is the biggest privately owned home appliance store in South Africa with branches throughout the country. Hirsch's stocks all home appliances from kettles to fridges and stocks the best brands such as Smeg, Defy, Samsung and Bosch. Hirsch's ensure we will save you money by providing the top appliances at the cheapest prices. Our aim is to ensure we develop happy satisfied customers who return often.
Accounting info.... Date |Type| Cost |Invoices are E-Mail to....|Paid Date |ICnt| TrkNo |Billing Info 1997-07-29| N | 200.00|REDACTED|1997-08-08| 1 | 7740|Club Internet (PTY) Ltd 1998-07-27| U | 0.00|REDACTED|1998-08-18| 1 | 20065|Neptune Software cc 1999-02-02| U | 0.00|REDACTED|1999-02-02| 1 | 1|About Computers cc 2000-05-31| U | 0.00|REDACTED|2000-05-31| 0 | 0|Bandwidth International 2000-09-19| R | 50.00|REDACTED|2000-11-03| 2 | 118842|Bandwidth International 2000-10-26| U | 0.00|REDACTED|2000-10-26| 0 | 0|Bandwidth International 2000-10-26| U | 0.00|REDACTED|2000-10-26| 0 | 0|The SA Internet 2000-11-07| U | 0.00|REDACTED|2000-11-07| 0 | 0|V-Serve Internet Consulting 2001-03-15| U | 0.00|REDACTED|2001-03-15| 0 | 0|V-Serve Internet Consulting 2001-07-07| U | 0.00|REDACTED|2001-07-07| 0 | 0|V-Serve Internet Consulting 2001-08-03| R | 50.00|REDACTED|2001-09-20| 2 | 171497|V-Serve Internet Consulting 2002-03-08| U | 0.00|REDACTED|2002-03-08| 0 | 0|Mitsol 2002-08-01| R | 50.00|REDACTED|2002-08-05| 1 | 232868|Mitsol 2003-08-01| R | 50.00|REDACTED|2003-08-13| 1 | 299691|Mitsol 2004-05-19| U | 0.00|REDACTED|2004-05-19| 0 | 0|Mitsol 2004-08-02| R | 50.00|REDACTED|2004-09-02| 2 | 377609|Mitsol 2004-10-01| U | 0.00|REDACTED|2004-10-01| 0 | 0|WNA 2004-10-01| U | 0.00|REDACTED|2004-10-01| 0 | 0|WNA 2005-08-01| R | 50.00|REDACTED|2005-09-20| 2 | 472778|WNA 2006-08-01| R | 50.00|REDACTED|2006-09-29| 2 | 622203|WNA 2006-10-10| U | 0.00|REDACTED|2006-10-10| 0 | 0|Hetzner 2007-01-27| U | 0.00|REDACTED|2007-01-27| 0 | 0|Hetzner 2007-08-01| R | 50.00|REDACTED|2007-08-31| 1 | 806582|Hetzner 2008-08-01| R | 50.00|REDACTED|2008-08-05| 1 | 1029025|Hetzner 2008-08-08| U | 0.00|REDACTED|2008-08-08| 0 | 0|MLS IGroup (Pty) Ltd 2009-08-04| R | 50.00|REDACTED|2009-08-27| 1 | 1329216|MLS IGroup (Pty) Ltd 2010-08-02| R | 50.00|REDACTED|2010-08-17| 1 | 1631475|MLS IGroup (Pty) Ltd 2011-08-01| R | 50.00|REDACTED|2011-09-01| 1 | 1958545|MLS IGroup (Pty) Ltd 2011-09-07| U | 0.00|REDACTED|2011-09-07| 0 | 0|Hirschs 2012-08-01| R | 50.00|REDACTED|2012-08-02| 1 | 2292251|Hirschs 2013-08-01| R | 75.00|REDACTED|2013-09-19| 2 | 2524107|Hirschs 2014-08-01| R | 75.00|REDACTED|2014-09-23| 2 | 2641390|Hirschs 2015-08-03| R | 102.60|REDACTED|2015-08-06| 1 | 2729041|Hirschs 2016-08-01| R | 114.00|REDACTED|2016-08-26| 1 | 2787995|Hirschs 2017-08-01| R | 125.40|REDACTED|2017-09-18| 2 | 2831536|Hirschs 2017-09-20| U | 0.00|REDACTED|2017-09-20| 0 | 0|Hirschs 2018-04-25| U | 0.00|REDACTED|2018-04-25| 0 | 0|Hirschs 2018-08-01| R | 138.00|REDACTED|2018-08-01| 1 | 2864031|Hirschs 2019-08-01| R | 149.50|REDACTED|2019-08-02| 1 | 2891436|Hirschs
Flashing RED indicates that payment has not been received - please confirm with the ZACR accounting department,, should this not be according to your records. You have been sent 0 invoices/statements.
(Info:- Historical info exists - the oldest or 'original' is last) ... hirschs <-- The info shown below hirschs.1 hirschs.2 hirschs.3 hirschs.4 hirs chs.5 hirschs.6 hirschs.7 hirschs.8 hirschs.9 hirs chs.10 hirschs.11 hirschs.12 hirschs.13 hirschs.14 >hirschs.15 hirschs.16 hirschs.17 hirschs.18