It has a alexa rank of #3,074,494 in the world. It is a domain having extension. This site has a Google PageRank of 1/10. It is estimated worth of R 2,774.40 and have a daily income of around R 11.56. As no active threats were reported recently, is SAFE to browse.
Airpower is a leader in the fields of air compressor sales and maintenance, Air system installation, Vacuum pumps, Compressor parts and compressor accessories and Camozzi...
Accounting info.... Date |Type| Cost |Invoices are E-Mail to....|Paid Date |ICnt| TrkNo |Billing Info 1997-11-10| N | 200.00| |1998-03-09| 1 | 11172|Club Internet (PTY) Ltd 1998-07-27| U | 0.00||1998-08-18| 1 | 20067|Neptune Software cc 1999-12-15| R | 50.00||1999-12-24| 1 | 72566|Neptune Software cc 2000-03-30| U | 0.00||2000-03-30| 0 | 0|ITI- Club Internet 2000-12-01| U | 0.00| |2000-12-01| 0 | 0|Storm Internet 2000-12-02| R | 50.00| |2000-12-11| 1 | 132199|Storm Internet 2001-05-15| U | 0.00| |2001-05-15| 0 | 0|Storm Internet 2001-06-27| U | 0.00| |2001-06-27| 0 | 0|Storm Internet 2001-06-27| U | 0.00| |2001-06-27| 0 | 0|Storm Internet 2001-07-03| U | 0.00| |2001-07-03| 0 | 0|Hypertech 2001-12-03| R | 50.00| |2001-12-19| 1 | 190790|Hypertech 2001-12-24| U | 0.00| |2001-12-24| 0 | 0|Q Computers 2002-02-05| U | 0.00| |2002-02-05| 0 | 0|Q Computers 2002-02-06| U | 0.00| |2002-02-06| 0 | 0|Q Computers 2002-12-03| R | 50.00| |2003-02-03| 3 | 255103|Q Computers 2003-02-04| U | 0.00| |2003-02-04| 0 | 0|Q Computers 2003-03-18| U | 0.00| |2003-03-18| 0 | 0|Hetzner Africa 2003-12-01| R | 50.00| |2003-12-31| 1 | 325294|Hetzner Africa 2004-12-02| R | 50.00| |2005-01-03| 1 | 409111|Hetzner Africa 2005-12-02| R | 50.00| |2005-12-30| 1 | 520107|Hetzner Africa 2006-07-19| U | 0.00| |2006-07-19| 0 | 0|Hetzner 2006-12-01| R | 50.00| |2006-12-29| 1 | 681665|Hetzner 2007-01-05| U | 0.00| |2007-01-05| 0 | 0|Hetzner 2007-07-10| U | 0.00| |2007-07-10| 0 | 0|Globesky ISP 2007-12-04| R | 50.00| |2008-01-31| 2 | 868928|Globesky ISP 2008-03-04| U | 0.00| |2008-03-04| 0 | 0|Hetzner 2008-12-02| R | 50.00| |2009-01-30| 2 | 1116088|Hetzner 2009-04-04| U | 0.00| |2009-04-04| 0 | 0|Prop Data 2009-12-02| R | 50.00| |2009-12-11| 1 | 1422466|Prop Data 2010-10-03| U | 0.00| |2010-10-03| 0 | 0|Prop Data 2010-12-01| R | 50.00| |2010-12-07| 1 | 1735343|Prop Data 2011-12-01| R | 50.00| |2011-12-19| 1 | 2061655|Prop Data 2012-12-03| R | 50.00| |2012-12-06| 1 | 2401366|Prop Data 2013-12-02| R | 75.00| |2013-12-10| 1 | 2563615|Prop Data
Flashing RED indicates that payment has not been received - please confirm with the UniForum SA accounting department,, should this not be according to your records. You have been sent 0 invoices/statements.
(Info:- Historical info exists - the oldest or 'original' is last) ... ianwyles <-- The info shown below ianwyles.1 ianwyles.2 ianwyles.3 ianwyles.4