, As Service Providers to the regional Aquaculture Industry we are here to assist existing aquaculturalists as well as new entrants into the industry.
Aquaponics is the integration and combining of aquaculture and hydroponics. Aquaculture, the growing of fish, hydroponics the growing of vegetables/plants in controlled...
Custom Embedded Design, AVR kits, Temperature Controllers
Earthfirst - a free resource on Sustainable Living Practice
Easy Aquaponic system made from recycled IBC tanks keeping the cost low. Now you can own a Self Sustaining Organic Garden and start growing your own f
Happy Toes is a Permaculture project focused on sustainability, organic gardening, food forest, rehabilitation and integration of natural systems.
Econofish specializes in Aquaculture, design & building of fish plants, breeding and farming with different species of fish incl Catfish, Tilapia, Ornamental fish.
accommodation in Kyalami on Self-Catering basis, We are close to the Business Park, race track, THS, Equestrian