Afri-talk is a technology and finance company with the purpose of linking Africa to The World through technology, people, processes and systems. We offer skills and expertise...
SA Callcenters - South African callcenter industry handling outsourcing, insourcing, staffing, telecommunications and research with the best resources for the most successful...
East Cape Cabling - Telecommunications Specialists, suppliers of PABX systems, Call Centres, Cordless Telephone systems and cabling solutions, Products include Molex and Tellumat
Voice Over IP done right. VPX award winning Asterisk based PBX.Call Center and Business Process Outsourcing systems specialists., VoIP Telephony, geared specifically for SME's...
SA Callcenters - South African callcenter industry handling outsourcing, insourcing, staffing, telecommunications and research with the best resources for the most successful...