SAIIA is a non-governmental research institute focused on South Africa’s and Africa’s international relations. We provide analysis, promote dialogue and contribute to African...
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Beit Hasefer, House of the Book, Providers of Educational material such as books and software, for homeschooling or any educational training purposes. We can help you find the...
IFISA is dedicated to providing education through formal training programs, distance learning courses, workshops, conferences, extensive literature to enlighten both Muslims and...
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This blog is inspired by Professor Cipolla and as such takes a look at some examples of how stupid decisions, and the actions of stupid individuals, impact negatively on the...
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Economic Freedom in South Africa - In the context of economic freedom, corruption can best be understood as the failure of integrity in the economic system, a distortion by...
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BDlive covers economics, business and politics as the website of Business Day, the South African national daily newspaper, including Business Times
MATH AND LITERACY FOR AFRICA Math and Literacy for Africa aims to enhance skills in teaching Math and Reading by using innovative methods that are FUN for both Student and...
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