Re-Action does not show up in a place with a suitcase of solutions. We recognise that each individual, each family and each community has unique human needs shaped by context...
The Grahamstown Area Relief Association (GADRA) - Advice and Community Work
The Global Fund For Christ focuses on the upliftment of the poor people in the Developing communities such as third (underdeveloped) world Countries
Home page of Open Synergy - Integrated Health Promotion through Ecological Design & Cultural Revitalisation
Mpilende Foods wants to help preserve the web of life through world standard quality food production and processing, by using innovative technology that continuously finds new...
Changing Tides Limited is an international group of partner companies providing a broad range of innovative, reliable and ethical specialist poducts and investment opportunities...
Sustainability services - carbon footprint measuring and reporting and CSI community development projects
Community ConneXions is a S18(A) Non-Profit Organisation; passionate about seeing transformed lives and communities, which are sustainably free from poverty.
Johan Fourie & Associates aim to preserve the environment for future generations by rendering a service to those who impact through their operations on the environment and to...
The ICDA empowers communities through education, healthcare, trading, business, housing and agricultural programs
The Economic Justice Network is a project of the Fellowship of Christian Councils in Southern Africa (FOCCISA). It monitors Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs), conducts...
We have a vision of communities where food is of abundance, life is sustainable and people prosper from one generation to another. Gaia Project is about how we live in the...