Ledon is your Potential DevelopmentĀ® partner in South Africa, focusing on the leadership and management of skills development for training departments, training companies,...
Redpeg is a Services SETA and ETDP SETA accredited service provider specialising in HIV/AIDS training (awareness, peer educator, peer counsellor, strategic management and more)...
Trainity is a South African training provider and content development specialist, established to holistically address the knowledge gap in employees, customers, organisations...
Driver hire, Labour hire, labor hire, casual labour, professional workers, factory workers, hire staff, Temporary placement, recruitment, Staffing solutions, Emergency staff...
Directflo is an accredited training provider and provides training in various sectors for example early childhood development, abet, compulsory training, construction training...
Production and Maintenance Training in South Africa and Africa. Professional Course Material Development. ECSA and SETA Accredited Training Company